Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Iram Leon

After the race last year, I reflected on that fact that I was extremely reluctant to run the ultra again.  But time weakens memories and strengthens aspirations.  The challenges of the moment dissipate as inevitably as the contrail of a jet across the sky.  These traumas seem permanent, but you look away for a moment only to discover that they have vanished in that instant.

My wife sent me an email this morning with a link to a story about Iram Leon in Texas who won a marathon while pushing his six year old daughter.  While it is easy to get hung up on the fact that he has brain cancer or that he won while pushing a stroller (which I can attest is no small feat), what struck me the most was the fact that he has continued to live his life and pursue his dreams with his daughter and that he is putting her first.  (Make sure you turn the sound up so you can hear him singing Bon Jovi!) 

Now, I can add Iram to my list of inspirations along with Julie Moss and Team Hoyt.  Who pushes you?  Who challenges you to do more than you think is possible? Who inspires you to see beyond your own limitations? Who demonstrates that your limitations are merely illusions?  

Last spring I wrote about how I almost quit but didn't because I was carrying Jeannette with me and as a result she carried me over the finish line.  The previous year I wrote about pushing my son as much as he was pushing me to be my best.  This spring there will be someone new who will carry me over the finish line.  And I can't wait to find out who that may be.


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